Official Community Links
discord: cowlony
twitter: @cowlony
allowlist registration:
About the project:
This is just the beginning. The cowlony is a community of grey cattle lover NFT collectors. The 4998 generated and unique cows live on the Ethereum blockchain but they are also functional as a pass for their cowkeeper to our private discord. The cows own unique traits which give them different superpowers. Grey cattle love to graze freely on the wild west of the blockchain. Cowkeepers can unlock benefits based on how happy their cows are which is measured by how long they are grazing. So you can unlock new features the longer you graze a cow, this is the way of staking.
Cows to be born
Have you ever seen cows without a farmer? Well, we neither. What would the world look like with free-roaming cows? Funny, of course, but it could be chaos. So we are looking for adventurous farmer wannabees to do this important task. If you want to save the world from chaos, join our cowmunity, help their birth (mint) and raise our little cow calves to adulthood.
Exploring the grazing grounds
At first, we just wanted to say thank you for joining our cowmunity, and to celebrate the start of the cowlony special cows will be parachuting into the cowkeeper’s wallets. Also to kick things off the grazing will be started and we will announce some of the benefits that can be unlocked. Furthermore, we want to show our appreciation to the largest ranchers by giving them the opportunity to join the Alpha Team. This team will have more direct access to the project lifeline by taking part in the decisions.
Building the ranch
Cows are great but they are just not enough to reach the moon alone. So we are expanding the cowlony with new creatures (collections). Our most dedicated members will be freelisted or at least accelerated to get the whitelist spots. This will also be a great opportunity for growing our community even further. As the cowlony gets more diverse, the new inhabitants will bring more refined staking features as well.
Milking the cows
If you followed through our roadmap you know that only one thing is missing from the cowlony now our own currency. Cowkeepers will be able to claim the currency based on their grazing levels and traits. These will be general ERC20 tokens mainly and could be used in our community to access utilities, the merch store and more to come.